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Loads acceptance rules to transportation


Transportation Company shall accept loads for transportation on the basis of duly approved plans and concluded annual contracts for the loads transportation by truck, as well as one-off loads.
The Consignor shall perform to Transportation Company, if there is annual contract for loads transportation by truck, corresponding request, and if there is no annual contract – single order, for loads transportation by truck.
In concurrence with Transportation Company, the consignor can transfer the order for loads transportation by telephoned message with all necessary information.
Trucks types and quantities, necessary for loads transportation, determined by automobile Company, depending on transportation volumes and kinds.
Transportation Companies are obliged to provide timeliness road transport vehicles providing at all points of handling in accordance with accepted requests and single orders, provide to consigners for loadings working road transport vehicles in condition, applicable for this type of load transportation and satisfy sanitary requirements.
Road transport vehicles providing, inapplicable for contracted loads transportation, is equated to failure to provide vehicles.
In case, consignor abandons provided vehicle, the company of road transport vehicles shall draw up an act on the form.
Transportation Companies, in case of failure to provide road transport vehicles caused by them, considered month plans loads transportation, are obliged by consignors (consignees) requests; perform road transport vehicles for compensation under load within next months of this quarter.
Road transport vehicle, not served in the last month of the quarter, must be allocated in the first month of the next quarter. Allocating road transport vehicle to make up for short shipments set by agreement between the transportation company and the consignor (consignee).
In case of violation agreed procedure, Transportation Company for failure to provide vehicles, consignor (consignee) for not presenting the loads to transportation, shall be provided in the contract and Charter road transport responsibility.
Transportation companies are required to carry loads along the shortest route, opened to traffic on road transport, except of the cases when the transportation with increased mileage is more rational because of road conditions. Transportation companies are obliged upon receipt of the order (request) make consignor (consignee) ​​aware of the distance transportation.

Before truck’s arrival under load, the Consignor is obliged:

• Prepare load for carriage (packaged, classified for consignors) in order to provide rational usage of transport vehicle and load’s safety during its route.
• Prepare shipping documents; pass to access to place of loads’ handling, etc.


Load, performed by consignor, does not correspond to transportation rules, and is not in proper condition in time, considered as unpresented. In these cases, consignor is obliged to pay for mileage in both directs from place of truck’s providing till place of loading, penalty for truck’s downtime expecting loading as well.

Separately, there is responsibility for incorrect preparation of shipping documents as required by Law.

The consignor shall transfer to Transportation Company certificates, veterinary certificate and other documents with load, which are necessary for loads transportation according to sanitary and other requirements.

The consignor shall not perform to carrying in one truck different by their capacity loads, if their combined transportation can lead to damages.
Giving load for transportation, the consignor has the rights to trace, if the loading on vehicle is made correct, considered his wishes (specified in shipping documents).

Transportation Company has the rights to abandon loads acceptance, if:


• the load is performed by consignor in improper packing;
• presented load is not considered by request or accepted to single order execution, when interurban transportation – with designation in other point;
• the weight of the presented load, transportation of which must be in one truck, exceeds road transport vehicle’s capacity, provided for loading according to order or request.
• the load shall not be delivered owing to acts of god, due to the road or weather conditions, initiated temporary interruption or limiting loads transportation by road.


Upon cancellation of the acceptance of the presented to transportation loads in the cases provided for in paragraphs "a ", "b " and "c" , transportation company will charge the actual cost for vehicle mileage from the consignor in both directions from the feed point the truck, according to the tariffs for the loads transportation by road.
The consignor is not entitled to make, and transportation company to accept the load for transportation in cases, when:
• transportation is prohibited by Motor Vehicle Charter (Article 18);
• commercial loads are not formed with shipping documents by consignor.

The load can be carried out by transportation company with the performance of freight forwarding operations, maintenance and providing  loads by forwarder (consignor, consignee, the transportation company ), and without them.

However, for some types of load, forwarding support is required (see section 3).

If the load is transported by consignor’s  forwarder (consignee’s), the latter is obliged to ensure the attendance of the forwarder at the place of loading at the time of road transport vehicle arrival.

If the forwarder is late at the time of arrival, consignor (consignee) is responsible for road transport vehicle downtime, specified in article141 of the Road Transport Charter.
After one hour of waiting forwarder, Transportation Company has the right to return the road transport vehicle in the garage or use it for other traffic. In this case, the carriage shall be deemed invalid, charging for downtime and for a simple motor company of liability for non- transportation is not responsible.

Under receiving the loads to transportation, forwarder shall perform to consignor official ID and waybill, affixed with the seal by Transportation Company. The waybill gives the right for road transport vehicle and its occupants, specified in waybill, enter in the territory of the consignor and consignee, if it does not require a special permit clearance. In those cases when the entry (exit) of a vehicle requires special permits, transportation companies and consignor (consignee) must consider in annual contracts for the goods transportation by cars the procedure for issuing these permits, referring to their pre- training, and other measures the sustainable use of the road transport vehicle.
Transportation companies and consignors (consignees) may consider forwarder’s duties to perform certificate when receives valuable loads for transportation.
Consignor (consignee) can perform for transportation valuable loads.

He is obliged to declare the value of the following goods:
• precious metals and products originated from them; gems, art objects, paintings, statues , artworks, antiques, carpets, without the sticker price, advanced machinery, equipment and appliances, the prices for which are not proved;
• household goods

It is not allowed to declare the value of goods, transported in bulk, consignor’s seal, perishable and dangerous goods as well. Also it is not allowed to declare the value of the load carried less than one delivery note.

The declared value shall not exceed the actual cost of load. In case of disagreement between the transportation company and the consignor (consignee), load’s cost is determined by examination, and therefore drawn up an act.

When the load is presented for transportation with declared value, the consignor is obliged to make up inventory of colli in three copies under specified form (application for present paragraph), which are passed to Transportation Company. After checking the inventory, one of the copies shall be returned to consignor; the second shall be remained at Transportation Company, and third shall be given to consignee with delivering load.

The weight of the loads shall be specified in consignment note, during loads delivering and acceptance, transported in bulk and in containers.

Tare and piece loads shall be accepted for transportation with specifying the weight of load and quantity of colli in consignment notes. Weight of tare and piece loads shall be determined by the consignor before bringing them to transportation and specified in colli. Total load’s weight is determined by weighing on scales or counting in colli by stencil or standard. For special loads, weight can be determined upon agreement between the parties by calculation, measurement, volumetric weight or shareware. Record in consignment note about load’s weight with indicating the method of its determination is made by consignor. Determination the weight of load is made jointly by consignor and Transportation Company by consignor’s technical means.

The weight determination is made by consignor when transportation in closed truck and trailers, separate sections, containers and cisterns, sealed by consignor.

Loads, having marked net and gross weight, shall be beyond reweighing. 

If there is no tare and package opening mark, the forwarder shall accept the load according to weight, specified in marking. In case performed colli in one standard size to one consignor, indicating the weight in each colli is not necessary, except when it’s prescribed by state standards as necessary to indicate the gross and net weight of load in standard colli. In such a case, in delivery note in paragraph “Weight method” shall stand “according to standard”.

The quantity of non commodity loads is determined in accordance with record of measurements or weightings, made by consignor (consignee) jointly with Transportation Company.

Upon mass transportation of soils, determination of its quantity can be made with geodesic measurement.

Report of weightings is made on the basis of 5-10 trucks control weightings, after this, the load’s average weight in one truck are determined corresponding to marking. Determining the quantity of goods with geodesic measurement, the total weight is established via multiplying geodesic measurement volume indication on load’s volume weight, which is determined with laboratory method.

When the type of load or other transportation conditions required by Transportation Company, consignor or consignee are changed, new control weighting and load’s volume weight determination are made.

Transportation Company, consignor or consignee have no rights to abandon control weighing and load’s volume weight determination.

In all cases, Transportation Company may require additional examination of quantity or transported load’s weight.

The examination results must be pointed in consignment note.

If during tare and package visual examination there are defects, which cause loss or damages of loads, by Transportation Company require, the consignor is obliged to bring onto conformity with Charter Road Transport requirements. (Art. 52).

Maximum dimensions of and one colli weight must not exceed car body’s capacity and dimensions, with fluctuations, indicated in traffic laws.

The consignor is responsible for all consequences of incorrect internal packages of loads (breakages, damages, deformations, leakages etc.), for using tare and packages, which are not correspond to load’s properties, its weight or established standards and technical specifications.

Load’s acceptance for transportation, which is not established in Charter Road Transport and General Rules of loads Transportation, is made in accordance with special type of loads transportation rules.